Ajak was originally depicted as a darker-skinned man closely associated with the Aztecs and Central America, while this version is portrayed by a Mexican actress of Spanish and Lebanese descent. Sersi was originally depicted as as Caucasian woman in the comics, while this version of the character is portrayed by an actress of Chinese and Hong Kong descent. Gilgamesh/The Forgotten One is depicted as a fair-skinned man in the comics, while this version of the character is portrayed by a Korean actor. This version of the character, portrayed by a Pakistani actor, instead became a Bollywood star.
Kingo Sunen has always been Ambiguously Brown in the comics, but his backstory closely associates him with Japan, where he became a master samurai and then (much, much later) a movie star known for acting in Jidaigeki films.
: Several characters have different appearances than they do (or used to) in the comics: Makkari was originally depicted as a fair-skinned man in the comics, while this version is portrayed by a woman of black and Mexican descent.